Contact us Contact us Phone: 1.954.456.6788Email: 1.954.456.6789 Jalan Golo No.Silatey, Labuan Bajo, Kec. Komodo, Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Tim. Hotel Booking Form Please enter your full name as per your ID. This field is required. We'll send your booking confirmation to this email. This field is required. Please provide a phone number where we can reach you. This field is required. Enter the total number of guests including adults and children. This field is required. Select your preferred room type. Room Type Double Sea View Family Room Twin Sea View Twin Standar Garden View Villa This field is required. Any special requests or preferences. Terms and Conditions * I agree to the terms and conditions for booking. This field is required. Submit There was an error trying to submit your form. Please try again.